Space Between the Skies

curated by Christopher Manzione

Space Between the Skies replaces the physical space of apexart with multiple virtual landscapes, either created from imagery collected at real world sites or from 3D constructed spaces. Hacked architectural and video game imagery, algorithmic collages, documentary footage of Wuhan, China, and dynamically enhanced audio/visual 360-degree responsive forest environments serve to transport the viewer beyond the limits of the physical gallery space.

By allowing viewers to occupy several environments simultaneously, these works experiment with cultivating multiple landscapes within the same physical space. Generated with 3D scanning technologies such as LIDAR/Photogrammetry, 3D modeling, and 360° recordings, these transposed landscapes question the supposed dichotomy between the real and the virtual.

  • artists:
    Seth Cluett
    John Craig Freeman
    Ricky Graham
    Christopher Manzione
    Nicholas O'Brien
    Rachel Rossin
Christopher Manzione is currently Assistant Professor in Visual Arts and Technology at Stevens Institute of Technology. He earned his M.F.A. from Rutgers University in 2009. He is founder and director of the Virtual Public Art Project, an organization that uses Augmented Reality to produce original artist works in public space. Manzione most recently received a 2014 Fellowship through Franconia Sculpture. In addition he was a 2013 Fellow for New Jersey State Council on the Arts, artist-in-residence at William Paterson University’s Center for Computer Art and Animation (2011), Socrates Sculpture Park (Emerging Artist Fellowship, 2010), Vermont Studio Center (Full Fellowship, 2009), and Anderson Ranch Arts Center (2009). He has shown nationally and internationally at venues such as the Boston ICA, Abington Arts Center, Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts, the Surry Hills Festival in Melbourne, and Gurzenich Koln Museum in Cologne.

apexart’s program supporters past and present include the National Endowment for the Arts, Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation, the Kettering Family Foundation, the Buhl Foundation, The Martin and Rebecca Eisenberg Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Spencer Brownstone, the Kenneth A. Cowin Foundation, Epstein Teicher Philanthropies, The Greenwich Collection Ltd., William Talbott Hillman Foundation/Affirmation Arts Fund, the Fifth Floor Foundation, the Consulate General of Israel in New York, The Puffin Foundation, the Trust for Mutual Understanding, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, and public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, public funds from Creative Engagement, supported by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Governor and administered by LMCC, funds from NYSCA Electronic Media/Film in Partnership with Wave Farm: Media Arts Assistance Fund, with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, as well as the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature.