Pastor Khalil James, Alex Anderson and Bruce Blake (left to right) at the Stella Adler Studios, 2021

Going Along to Get Along


Saturday, June 8, 2024, 4:00 pm

In conjunction with Welcome Home

This event will also be livestreamed on youtube (no RSVP needed for youtube) and follow apexart on youtube @apexart291 for upcoming live events and past recordings.

"Going Along to Get Along" implies a widespread reluctance to challenge the structural mechanisms that perpetuate crime, violence, and inequality. What might appear a diplomatic approach to circumvent conflict and social disharmony, often simultaneously sustains systemic discrimination and harassment. Silence, then, equals complicity. Pushing the frontiers of political imagination, this performance by leading members of the Reentry Theater of Harlem questions the detrimental effects that "going along to get along" can have as a societal attitude that chooses to conform rather than confront the structural injustices that incarceration and homelessness entail and reproduce.

Alex Anderson, Bruce Blake, and Khalil James are leading members of the Reentry Theater of Harlem, an avant-garde theater by and for people who have lived experience in the U.S. criminal legal system. RTH utilizes theatrical rites of passage to confront and overcome the shame, stigma, and trauma of incarceration, empowering people’s transition from prison back to society.