Curatorial Tours of Queer-y-ing the Arab with the Earl of Bushwick
Guided Tour
Friday, April 30, 2021, 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm
In conjunction with Queer-y-ing the Arab
Join the Earl of Bushwick on a tour of Queer-y-ing the Arab in person at apexart. Tours will cap at 6 people.
The Earl of Bushwick is a non-binary queer Arab and immigrant, concerned with ideas of the Queer, the Other, and issues of not belonging, especially as it applies to art and class. Their home in Brooklyn, dubbed The Earl's Court (2015), is a long-running safe space and art project. They have presented work at the Armory Show, Bushwick Open Studios, and the National Arts Club, New York (2019). The Earl of Bushwick also curated We are not artists (2017), and Red Black and Nude (2018).