En defensa de la menopausia
Saturday, October 19, 2024, 3:30 pm
In conjunction with NULL
We are going to get together and share as a family about the infamous pleasures of menopause, there will be surprises, games and gifts. Don't miss it!/ Vamos a reunirnos y compartir en familia sobre los infames placeres de la menopausia, habrá sorpresas, juegos y regalos. ¡No faltes!
Artist Sylvie Boutiq is very lazy, her work is of dubious quality and her only obvious talent is that of making a fool of herself. The best thing that has happened to her in life is becoming old./La artista Sylvie Boutiq es muy vaga, su obra es de dudosa calidad y su único talento evidente es el de hacer el ridículo. Lo mejor que le ha pasado en la vida es llegar a vieja.