Ashley January, She was given agency in the process and survived, 2021, Oil and acrylic on linen, 24 in. X 36 in.


In this hands-on workshop in partnership with the NYC Commission for Human Rights, participants will learn how to advocate for themselves and to fight discrimination related to pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, sexual and reproductive health in the workplace and medical settings.

Presented in conjunction with Fruits of Labor — Reframing Motherhood and Artmaking an apexart Open Call exhibition, on view at 291 Church St Manhattan, NY November 3 - December 23

A Zoom link will be sent upon registration. Please login to Zoom using the same name that you use in eventbrite, so that we know that it's you

Vanessa Ramos is the NYC Commission for Human Rights (NYCCHR) Managing Director for Education and Compliance