In conjunction with Dire Jank
Breaking Everything: Critical Play with 21st Century Existentialists
Saturday, April 6, 2019, 4:00 pm
291 Church Street, NYC
Human beings, thrown into games.
Games, thrown into human beings.
Games playing games.
Humans playing humans.
“Mute irrationality” was Camus’ way to approach describing the indescribable condition of human absurdity in the 20th century. Mary Flanagan will discuss games that follow a tradition of existentialism more than that of either art or technology.
This event is free and open to the public. RSVP here.
Mary Flanagan is a writer and artist whose practice(s) extend into science, design, psychology, and futures studies. A Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Resident in 2019 and Thoma Foundation 2018 Arts Writing Awardee in Digital Art, Flanagan is the author of the book Critical Play: Radical Game Design, the poetry collection Ghost Sentence, co-author of Values at Play in Digital Games and Similitudini. Simboli. Simulacri, and co-editor of the collections Reload: Rethinking Women in Cyberculture and Re:Skin. Her essays and articles have appeared in Salon, USA Today, The San Francisco Chronicle, and The Huffington Post.