
Open Call INTL 2024-2025

Below is a list of proposal requirements for submitting a proposal to the Open Call. Please check each box and make sure you adhere to them before pressing Submit.
Confirm that your proposal:

 is an original exhibition, presented for the first time.
 is a group exhibition, consisting of works by at least 3 people working independently of one another and on view at all times for the exhibition's duration of 6-8 weeks.
 is in English (note: Jurors are instructed that many submitters are ESL and should not be penalized for sentence structure or terms).
 does not include biographical statements, CVs, or links. If your proposal contains biographical references that could potentially identify you, we will remove the biographical references.
 does not include specific dates for the exhibition.
 is for an exhibition that is not in NYC. I have previously traveled to the location in which I am proposing this exhibition and have some sense of how to navigate the culture and getting a small exhibition produced.
 is not an "artist project" wherein multiple artists work together to create a unified project, whether by instruction or detailed parameters, exquisite corpse, or delegation of specific tasks (as in a unified installation or film production).
 does not include an open call for artists.
 does not include any sales-related activities.

 I am not submitting more than 1 proposal.
 I read the FAQs before submitting.

Please specify if other:
Words remaining:

 Opt-out: We will put you on our mailing list to receive info about our exhibitions and opportunities unless you opt-out.