Playing by the Rules: Alternative Thinking/Alternative Spaces
by Steven Rand, Robert Atkins, Julie Ault, Rene Block, Winslow Burleson, Biljana Ciric, Renaud Ego, Sofija Grandakovska, Boris Groys, Marina Grzinic, Pablo Helguera, Naeem Mohaiemen , Raphael Rubinstein, and Irene Tsatsos
The perceived rules of the development and running of alternative spaces, and where those rules came from, are among the questions answered by the authors of Playing by the Rules: Alternative Thinking/Alternative Spaces. The underlying message in the publication is the importance of critical thinking as well as the need for alternative thinking. In the book s preface, Steven Rand (artist and the Founder and Executive Director of apexart) addresses the role of the alternative space and the need for alternative thinking to challenge some of the art world s practices and the ways apexart has tried to address them over the last 16 years. A few of the essays provide some history of alternative spaces.
Irene Tsatsos Naeem Mohaiemen Boris Groys Biljana Ciric |
Pablo Helguera Marina Grzinic Julie Ault Rene Block |