30 Days of Culture Shock

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Damali Abrams - Kiran Ahmad - Lillian Ayienga - John Beattie - Mildred Beltre - Laura Bernstein - Adam Burthom - Damián Cabrera - Karla Carballar - Nathan Ng Catlin - Barrie Cline - Nicky Enright - Orlando Estrada - Baris Gokturk - Radha Gomati - Cheeraz Gormon - Sofija Grandakovska - Pavlo Grazhdanskij/Sasha Budai - Marina Gržinić - Graciela Hasper - Cody Herrmann - Kasper Hesselbjerg - Fan Chon Hoo - Pare Patcharapa Inchang - Gisela Insuaste - Clare Kambhu - Eric Krancevic - Dejan Kršić - Patricia Leal - Sonia Paulino Love - Boyan Manchev - Tusiime Mathias - Dario Mohr - Mariam Natroshvili - Nyadzombe Nyampenza - Ani O’Neill - Stephanie Powell - Kiron Robinson - Michelle Rosenberg - Monika Rycerz - Hanna Saarikoski - Gustavo Sagorsky - Manmeet Sandhu - Manuel Orellana Sandoval / Pfr. Morezane - Linda Stauffer - Lynn Sullivan - Modris Svilans - Zina Swanson - Rosemary Taylor - Taguhi Torosyan - Derek Tumala - Jevijoe Vitug - Ashley Walters - Kelly Warman - Joan Wyand - Ahmad Zatari
To mark the 25th anniversary of the apexart Fellowship Program, we're presenting 30 Days of Culture Shock, a group exhibition of photography and video works by current and former Fellows from the U.S. and abroad. The apexart Fellowship is an alternative educational program that invites creative individuals to step far outside their comfort zones and engage with unfamiliar cultures, ideas, people and experiences. Differing from residencies that focus on production, the apexart fellowship asks artists to pause their creative endeavors and immerse themselves for thirty days in a city they have never been to. Instead of networking and art tourism, Fellows engage in a rigorous itinerary of activities including: hands-on workshops, lectures, dance classes, and community focused volunteering.

Unlike most artist residency programs, the apexart Fellowship provides a rich, 30-day schedule of non-art activities, while requiring Fellows to refrain from producing creative works. The apexart Fellowship schedule prioritizes educational experiences that are outside of the Fellow's stated interests. This diversity of activities leaves Fellows with new ideas, approaches, and content to incorporate into their creative practices. Our NYC fellowship is for internationally based artists to travel to New York City, and our INTL fellowship is for NYC-based artists to travel outside of the USA. In doing new and interesting things, and having time away from their usual responsibilities, apexart Fellows can reflect on what they do with greater perspective. apexart Fellows keep a public journal for the duration of their program, and participate in a recorded exit interview at the end of their Fellowship, which can be found online. By providing a space for contemplation and exposure to new experiences, the apexart Fellowship is designed to be a catalyst for creativity.

30 Days of Culture Shock is a reflection on the transformative power of the program, showcasing how these diverse experiences influence and inspire the Fellows' work. For some of the artists in the exhibition it has been years while for others it has only been months, but all of the work featured is in some way in response to their time in the fellowship. Join us.

The apexart Fellowship Journal
The apexart Fellowship: An Experiment in Vertical Cultural Integration. This book explores the methodology, practice, and effects of apexart's unique Fellowship model. Download for free with password vertcult.

apexart’s program supporters past and present include the National Endowment for the Arts, Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation, the Kettering Family Foundation, the Buhl Foundation, The Martin and Rebecca Eisenberg Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Spencer Brownstone, the Kenneth A. Cowin Foundation, Epstein Teicher Philanthropies, The Greenwich Collection Ltd., William Talbott Hillman Foundation/Affirmation Arts Fund, the Fifth Floor Foundation, the Consulate General of Israel in New York, The Puffin Foundation, the Trust for Mutual Understanding, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, and public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, public funds from Creative Engagement, supported by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Governor and administered by LMCC, funds from NYSCA Electronic Media/Film in Partnership with Wave Farm: Media Arts Assistance Fund, with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, as well as the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature.