Installation view | Ionel Talpazan, Diagram of a UFO #1, 1996-2013, and Lou Cantor, Join the Journey, 2017, Installation view. | Halil Altindere (clockwise), Space Refugee, 2016; Muhammed Ahmed Faris with Friends #1, 2016; and Journey to Mars, 2016, Installation view. | Sun Ra, Saturn Research, 1957 (above), and below, a selection of books by Sun Ra, Installation view. | Installation view | Ionel Talpazan, Diagram of a UFO #1, 1996-2013, Installation view. | Installation view | Soda_Jerk, Astro Black, 2007-ongoing, Installation view. | Amen Feizabadi, Film score, UCHRONIA, 2017, Installation view. | Halil Altindere, Journey to Mars, 2016 (VR video still). |
Halil Altindere, Space Refugee, 2016, HD color video with sound, 19:59 minutes (installation view from Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, 2016) | Halil Altindere, Muhammed Ahmed Faris with Friends #1, 2016, Oil and acrylic on canvas with LED frame, 15 15/16 x 21 7/16 x 2 3/8 inches | Azin Feizabadi, UCHRONIA, 2017, film, approx. 90 minutes (still) | Lou Cantor, Join the Journey, 2017, Digital rendering | Sun Ra, Saturn Research, 1957, Paper, 6 1/4 x 9 inches, Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library | Soda_Jerk, Astro Black: We are the Robots, 2010, 2-channel video installation with four episodes, 25:24 minutes (still) | Soda_Jerk, Astro Black: Race for Space, 2007-ongoing, 2-channel video installation with four episodes, 25:24 minutes (still) | Ionel Talpazan, Diagram of a UFO #1, 1996-2013, Oil stick, colored pencil, and marker on paper, 36 x 72 inches | Ionel Talpazan, Diagram of a UFO #2, 1996-2013, Oil stick, colored pencil, and marker on paper (detail) |
291 church street new york, ny 10013 tu-sat 11am-6pm 212.431.5270 |
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