Images for Feel Big Live Small
organized by Elan Smithee
March 19 – May 16, 2015
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Citizen Brick, Super Lab Playset, 2013; Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone diorama, 2015; Kendal Murray, Family Style, Smile, 2012; Kendal Murray, Esteem, Dream, 2012; Serial Cut, HSBC, 2015; Thomas Doyle, Proxy, 2013; Alice Bartlett, Nail Art, 2012; Daisy Tainton, Suicide Beetle, 2013 |
Citizen Brick, Super Lab Playset, 2013; Thomas Doyle, Redoubt, redux, 2011; Daisy Tainton, The Victorian with her Exotic Pets, 2013; Kendal Murray, Family Style, Smile, 2012; Kendal Murray, Esteem, Dream, 2012 |
Thomas Doyle, Redoubt, redux, 2011; Daisy Tainton, The Victorian with her Exotic Pets, 2013; Serial Cut, HSBC, 2015; Serial Cut, Office Case, 2011; Thomas Doyle, Proxy, 2013; Citizen Brick, Super Lab Playset, 2013; Alice Bartlett, Nail Art, 2012; Daisy Tainton, Suicide Beetle, 2013 |
Thomas Doyle, Redoubt, redux, 2011; Joe Fig, Self Portrait: Collinsville, 2013; Kendal Murray, Family Style, Smile, 2012; Kendal Murray, Esteem, Dream, 2012 |
Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone, 2015; Daisy Tainton, The Victorian with her Exotic Pets, 2013; Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone diorama, 2015; Kendal Murray, Family Style, Smile, 2012; Kendal Murray, Esteem, Dream, 2012; Serial Cut, HSBC, 2015; Serial Cut, Office Case, 2011; Citizen Brick, Super Lab Playset, 2013; Thomas Doyle, Proxy, 2013 |
Joe Fig, Self Portrait: Collinsville, 2013; Kendal Murray, Family Style, Smile, 2012; Daisy Tainton, The Victorian with her Exotic Pets, 2013 |
Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone, 2015; Serial Cut, HSBC, 2015; Serial Cut, Office Case, 2011; Thomas Doyle, Proxy, 2013; Alice Bartlett, Nail Art, 2012; Daisy Tainton, Suicide Beetle, 2013 |
Serial Cut, HSBC, 2015; Serial Cut, Office Case, 2011; Thomas Doyle, Proxy, 2013; Alice Bartlett, Nail Art, 2012; Daisy Tainton, Suicide Beetle, 2013 |
Daisy Tainton, Suicide Beetle, 2013, Mixed Materials, 13 x 10 inches |
Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone, 2015; Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone diorama, 2015; Lori Nix and Kathleen Gerber, Observatory, 2013; Daisy Tainton, The Victorian with her Exotic Pets, 2013 |
Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone, 2015; Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone diorama, 2015; Lori Nix and Kathleen Gerber, Observatory, 2013 |
Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone, 2015, C-Print, 21 x 30 inches; Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone diorama, 2015, Mixed Media, 60 x 38 x 30 inches |
Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone, 2015, C-Print, 21 x 30 inches; Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone diorama, 2015, Mixed Media, 60 x 38 x 30 inches |
Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone diorama, 2015, Mixed Media, 60 x 38 x 30 inches |
Kendal Murray, Family Style, Smile, 2012; Kendal Murray, Esteem, Dream, 2012; Serial Cut, Office Case, 2011; Serial Cut, HSBC, 2015 |
Tracey Snelling, The Parade Ends, 2012, wood, paint, charcoal, lights, LCD screen, media player, speaker, transformer, 24 x 24 inches; Tracey Snelling, Bad Girl, 2012, Wood, paint, lights, electroluminescent wire, LCD screens, media players, speakers, transformer, 24 x 24 inches; Tracey Snelling and Idan Levin, The Stranger, 2014, Video (4:42 minutes) |
Tracey Snelling, The Parade Ends, 2012, wood, paint, charcoal, lights, LCD screen, media player, speaker, transformer, 24 x 24 inches; Tracey Snelling, Bad Girl, 2012, Wood, paint, lights, electroluminescent wire, LCD screens, media players, speakers, transformer, 24 x 24 inches |
Tracey Snelling, Bad Girl, 2012, Wood, paint, lights, electroluminescent wire, LCD screens, media players, speakers, transformer, 24 x 24 inches; Tracey Snelling and Idan Levin, The Stranger, 2014, Video (4:42 minutes); Tracey Snelling, The Parade Ends, 2012, wood, paint, charcoal, lights, LCD screen, media player, speaker, transformer, 24 x 24 inches |
Citizen Brick, Super Lab Playset, 2013; Alice Bartlett, Nail Art, 2012; Daisy Tainton, Suicide Beetle, 2013; Lori Nix and Kathleen Gerber, Observatory, 2013 |
Thomas Doyle, Redoubt, redux, 2011; Lori Nix and Kathleen Gerber, Observatory, 2013; Joe Fig, Self Portrait: Collinsville, 2013 |
Lori Nix and Kathleen Gerber, Observatory, 2013; Thomas Doyle, Redoubt, redux, 2011 |
Kendal Murray, Family Style, Smile, 2012; Thomas Doyle, Redoubt, redux, 2011; Kendal Murray, Esteem, Dream, 2012; Daisy Tainton, The Victorian with her Exotic Pets, 2013; Joe Fig, Self Portrait: Collinsville, 2013;Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone, 2015 |
Dante Brebner, Underwater, 2010 |
Dante Brebner, Underwater, 2010 |
Dante Brebner, Crime Scene, 1998/2014 |
Thomas Doyle, Redoubt, redux, 2011 |
Joe Fig, Self Portrait: Collinsville, 2013, Mixed Media, 12 ½ x 31 ½ x 21 inches |
Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone, 2014 |
Matthew Albanese, Dark Zone, 2014, C-Print, 21 x 30 |
Dante Brebner, Underwater, 2010 (detail) |
Dante Brebner, Underwater, 2010 |
Dante Brebner, Crime Scene, 1998/2014 (detail) |
Citizen Brick, Super Lab Playset, 2013, Lego and ink |
Citizen Brick, Super Lab Playset, 2013, Lego and ink (detail) |
Thomas Doyle, Proxy, 2013, Mixed media, 12 x 12 x 5 inches |
Thomas Doyle, Proxy, 2013, Mixed media, 12 x 12 x 5 inches (detail) |
Thomas Doyle, Redoubt, redux, 2011, Mixed media, 8 x 10 inches diameter |
Thomas Doyle, Redoubt, redux, 2011, Mixed media, 8 x 10 inches diameter (detail) |
Joe Fig, Self Portrait: Collinsville, 2013, Mixed Media, 12 ½ x 31 ½ x 21 inches |
Joe Fig, Self Portrait: Collinsville, 2013, Mixed Media, 12 ½ x 31 ½ x 21 inches |
Kendal Murray, Family Style, Smile, 2012, Mixed media assemblage, 11 x 13 x 10 cm |
Kendal Murray, Esteem, Dream, 2012, Mixed media assemblage in metal compact, 8.5 x 8.2 x 9 cm |
Lori Nix & Kathleen Gerber, Observatory, 2013 |
Lori Nix & Kathleen Gerber, Observatory, 2013 |
Serial Cut, Office Case, 2011 |
Serial Cut, Office Case, 2011 (detail) |
Tracey Snelling, Bad Girl, 2012, Wood, paint, lights, electroluminescent wire, lcd screens, media players, speakers, transformer, 28 x 24 x 24 inches |
Tracey Snelling, Bad Girl, 2012, Wood, paint, lights, electroluminescent wire, lcd screens, media players, speakers, transformer, 28 x 24 x 24 inches (detail) |
Tracey Snelling, The Parade Ends, 2012, Wood, paint, charcoal, lights, lcd screen, media player, speaker, transformer, 21 x 24 x 24 inches |
Tracey Snelling, The Parade Ends, 2012, Wood, paint, charcoal, lights, lcd screen, media player, speaker, transformer, 21 x 24 x 24 inches (detail) |
Daisy Tainton, The Victorian with her Exotic Pets, 2013 |
Alice Bartlett, nail art, 2012, Color photograph, 6.7 x 9 inches |
Alice Bartlett, nail art, 2012, Color photograph, 6.7 x 9 inches |