Dr. Marina Grzinic, philosopher, artist and theoretician. She works in
Ljubljana and Vienna. Grzinic is Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in
Vienna, Institute of Fine Arts, Post Conceptual Art Practices. She is
researcher at the Institute of Philosophy at the ZRC SAZU (Scientific and
Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Science and Art) in Ljubljana.
She also works as freelance media theorist, art critic and curator.
Marina Grzinic has been involved with video art since 1982. In collaboration
with Aina Smid, Grzinic produced more than 40 video art projects, a short
film, numerous video and media installations, several websites and an
interactive CD-ROM (ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany).
Grzinic most recent books are: (Selection)
V vrsti za virtualni kruh : čas, prostor, subjekt in novi mediji v letu, 2000, (Zbirka Sophia, 1996, 5). Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče, 1996. SLOVENIAN
Rekonstruirana fikcija : novi mediji, (video) umetnost, postsocializem in retroavantgarda : teorija, politika, estetika : 1997-1985, (Knjižna zbirka Koda). Ljubljana: Študentska organizacija Univerze, Študentska založba, 1997. SLOVENIAN
U redu za virtualni kruh, (Biblioteka Intermedia, knj. 2). Zagreb: Meandar, 1998. CROATIAN
Fiction reconstructed : Eastern Europe, post-socialism & the
retro-avant-garde. Vienna: Selene, 2000. ENGLISH
Estetika kibersveta in učinki derealizacije, (Zbirka Prizma). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2003. SLOVENIAN
Situated contemporary art practices : art, theory and activism from (the east of) Europe. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC: = ZRC Publishing; Frankfurt am Main: Revolver - Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, 2004. ENGLISH
Avangarda i politika : istočnoevropska paradigma i rat na Balkanu, (Bibliteka Slovenica). Belgrade: Belgradeski krug, 2005. SERBIAN
Estetika kibersvijeta i učinci derealizacije, (Basic). Zagreb: Multimedijalni institut; Sarajevo: Košnica - centar za komunikaciju i kulturu, 2005. CROATIAN
Une fiction reconstruite : Europe de l'Est, post-socialisme et
rétro-avant-garde, (Ouverture philosophique). Paris; Budapest; Torino: Harmattan, 2005. FRENCH
Re-politicizing art, theory, representation and new media technology, (Schriften der Akademie der bildenden Künste Vienna, Vol. 6). Vienna: Schlebrügge.Editor, cop. 2008. ENGLISH
Necropolitics, Racialization, and Global Capitalism Historicization of Biopolitics and Forensics of Politics, Art, and Life (with Sefik Tatlic). LEXINGTON BOOKS, USA, 2014. ENGLISH
On April 11, 7:00 p.m. at apexart: Lecture by Marina Grzinic "Salon
de Fleurus in a New York SoHo Apartment: From Fiction to Virtuality"
Grzinic presented her recent project and talked about the artistic and
philosophical implications of strategies of art and culture under
post-socialism, about the tyranny of the copy and the virtual reality
premises of such projects for capitalism, with references to Alain
Badiou, Joan Copjec, and Sade.
Salon de Fleurus re-constructs one of the most significant collections
of modern art from the turn of the previous century, created in
1906-1907 by the American author and literary critic Gertrude Stein
(1874-1946), with the help of her brother Leo Stein, in their Paris
apartment at 27, rue de Fleurus. Open to the public since 1992,
Salon de Fleurus is an art projectinstallation, reconstruction,
recollectionsituated in a private New York apartment that
has attracted an impressive number of visitors, from collectors
and art professionals to artists and passersby.
The author(s) of the Salon de Fleurus remain(s) anonymous,
although it is always possible to meet, as a doorman and a guide/narrator
of the project, Goran Djordjevic, former artist and physicist, who
left Belgrade for New York in the beginning of the 1990s. Since
1985 Djordjevic has assisted in the realization and presentation
of group projects such as "The Last Futurist Exhibition by
Kasimir Malevich," "Walter Benjamin's Lecture: Mondrian
1963-1996," and "The International Exhibition of Modern
Art (Armory Show)."
Ms. Grzinic was recommended by Lawrence Rinder. |