the act of drawing, Savvas
Christodoulides attempts to record the way in which our conception
of reality is informed by the process of representation, as reality
is progressively endowed with multiples meanings. On the basis of
a purely conceptual approach to representation, he adopts a method
whereby he constantly conceals and reveals the objects he treats
through a highly personalized mixture of drawing techniques, taken
especially from the field of handicraft. He cuts, sews, and embroiders;
materials selected from his personal life – poor materials
such as old photographs, clothes, plastics cups, empty bottles,
cardboard, packaging boxes, fabrics, needlework and beads; these
make up the tangible side of an everyday, familiar reality that
alludes to space. On this background he adjoins other materials
in a series of austere combinations, such that the act of drawing
is revealed as the process of expanding the memory of a specific
space and time into another dimension. Through the addition of a
new, separate layer to the background of objects and images, representation
art emerges as an act of disguising reality by providing a different,
tangible image of it. The conversion of old objects into new signs
take place through an almost sentimental dialectic with materials
and images. Removed from the space of the personal [life or memory],
each object becomes a simulacrum, it loses its specific identity
and becomes a symbol within a universal iconography...
- Efi Strouza, Art Historian, Athens, 2004
Mr. Chistodoulides was recommended by Elena Hamalidi. |