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apexart :: Open Call for Group Exhibitions :: Juror Process
Open Call for Group Exhibitions
How we Jury
Instead of relying on a small panel of individuals reading hundreds of applications, we use a crowdsourcing process to include many people reflecting diverse perspectives, yielding a diverse programming.

Over 200 individuals from around the world each review 50 proposals from the hundreds submitted during the one month following the open call. Our process hides the submitter's name from the jurors, and ensures that each proposal receives an equal number of votes.

The order changes each time the juror logs in so that all submissions receive a similar number of votes. Proposals typically receive more than 30 votes each. We tally the votes and reveal the ranked results anonymously after the jurying period ends.

People submit their proposal in English, sometimes as their second, third, or even fourth language. We ask our jurors to respect the effort and difficulty of writing in a foreign language, and allow for grammatical and translation errors.

We ask jurors to respect the efforts of those who have applied by keeping proposals confidential.
How to be a Juror
All voting is done online, on your schedule, and does not have to be done in one sitting. Jurors read fifty or more 500-word proposals during a one-month period. This takes a maximum of about 2 hours unless you choose to review more proposals. A login is sent via email on the first day of jurying and reminders are sent weekly. If you enjoy voting, you are encouraged to keep reading and voting on more entries. The more you vote, the more effective the process becomes.

Someone cannot be both a juror and a submitter to the same Open Call. However, we encourage jurors to submit proposals in the future.

Send an email to sign up to be a juror.

Jurors are really important
All participating jurors are offered a free apexart e-book of their choice and our eternal appreciation. We will include your name on our list of jurors unless you wish to be anonymous.

Class Participation Jurying
We are pleased to now offer a unique opportunity for your students to participate in the selection process that determines which exhibitions we will present in NYC and locations around the world. Many faculty and students find that the process serves as a great point of class discussion, from the process to the content as well as the students participating in real time real life programming.
Learn more here

Sample Juror FAQ

Q: Are there any specific criteria you are looking for in evaluation and scoring?
A: Yes. We ask that you evaluate proposals based on your interest in the subject, the clarity of the written proposal itself, and your desire to see the idea transformed into an exhibition. If a proposal is defined and exciting give it a 5, and if you find it unclear or it would not likely result in an interesting show, you may evaluate the submission as a 1. The large number of jurors evens out the process. Don’t worry, don’t fret, just vote intuitively and go on to the next.

Read all Juror FAQs here

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