apexart :: Public Program :: Jocko Weyland Guided Exhibition Tour

Guided Tour

Wed, Jun 8: 6:30-8 pm

Curator Jocko Weyland will give a guided tour through the personalities, connections, and affinities in The Peripheterists and relate anecdotal and possibly amusing tales behind why and how the works came to be in the exhibition. He will be joined by Kerry Schuss, owner of KS Art, and Jason Wright, an artist in the exhibition and teacher at the University of Michigan, Ypsilanti.

View installation images page.

Please join us.
All events are free and open to the public.

apexart's exhibitions and public programs are supported in part by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Edith C. Blum Foundation, Mary Duke Biddle Foundation, The Greenwich Collection Ltd., The William Talbott Hillman Foundation, and with public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and the New York State Council on the Arts.

291 Church Street, NYC, 10013
t. 212 431 5270

Directions: A, C, E, N, R, W, Q, J, M, Z, 6 to Canal or 1 to Franklin.